Cosmetic dentistry in Uppingham

Did you know that one in four of us in the UK are unhappy with our smile? With advances in modern dentistry, its no longer just a case of filling and taking out teeth. Cosmetic dentistry, or ‘aesthetic dentistry', is used as a means of improving the appearance of teeth. Used to straighten, reshape, lighten and repair teeth, cosmetic dentistry should always aim to produce natural-looking results for patients. Our wide range of effective cosmetic treatments can help you with your discoloured, worn, chipped or crooked teeth.

A Smile Makeover

Typically consisting of a blend of cosmetic dental treatments and other dental solutions, the goal of a Smile Makeover is to dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth.

Following the Initial Consultation and a subsequent Smile Assessment, we'll create a bespoke Treatment Plan that's tailored to your unique needs. This might involve some of the following treatment solutions:

  • Teeth straightening (orthodontics)

  • Cosmetic dental veneers

  • Composite bonding & white fillings

  • Teeth whitening

  • Dental crowns & bridges

  • Dental implants

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Composite bonding

Composite bonding is the use of a composite material that is then bonded to reshape, rebuild, or fill damaged teeth. It is a very simple and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure to improve the aesthetics of your smile if you have any small gaps, chips or worn teeth.

The treatment itself can normally be done in just one appointment with your dentist. First, your dentist will match the colour of the composite resin with the rest of your teeth, this ensures that your smile will look as natural as possible. The resin will then be placed onto the required tooth and moulded into the correct shape.

By 'bonding' tooth-coloured composite material to your existing teeth the shape, size and profile of your teeth can be positively transformed. It is usually a pain-free procedure as in most cases the teeth themselves do not need to be drilled in order to bond the material.

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Dental Veneers

If you have discoloured, chipped or irregular shaped teeth, dental veneers can be used to re-create a lovely natural smile.

Dental veneers are wafer thin yet strong and durable porcelain laminates that are fixed to your natural teeth.  Shaped to perfectly mask and disguise imperfections, dental veneers will function as a normal tooth when you eat and their durable and strong material mean you can continue to bite, chew and enjoy all your favourite foods without worrying about the consequences.

If you don’t feel confident when you smile, maybe because your teeth are discoloured, chipped or uneven, then dental veneers are your answer. They are also perfect if your teeth are just a little twisted or you’ve been looking for a solution without the need for orthodontics or braces.

By removing the smallest amount of enamel from the front of your tooth and replacing it with a thin porcelain shell, which is bonded onto your existing tooth, you are left with a strong, straight and natural-looking smile.

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Enlighten Evolution Teeth Whitening

Enlighten Evolution is an effective teeth whitening system that allows you to whiten your smile in the comfort of your home, with a single final session at our surgery.

With Enlighten, you get exceptional whitening results, without any change in your diet. Enlighten whitening treatment works straight through the enamel and does not harm the tooth surface. This 15-day treatment will produce a smile that, with good maintenance will last for years and it is guaranteed to help you achieve a shining new smile.

If you’d like to know what this looks like, why not book an appointment for a consultation?

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ICON White Spot Removal

ICON treatment is a non-invasive approach to improve the appearance of teeth – removing white’s spots or a mottled appearance. It removes marks, making them a uniform colour without covering the tooth’s natural surface. What’s more, it doesn’t use any drilling or injections.

This is done by first applying an ICON gel to the tooth to open up pores, to enable the penetration of the resin. Once this is rinsed off and dried, the ICON infiltrant resin is applied – this is light-cured and blocks acid, helping to preserve the tooth from additional decay. Finally, this is removed to give you instant and amazing results.

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Composite Fillings

In the past, fillings were made from either gold or a silver-coloured alloy called amalgam. Although these materials are extremely durable, the main disadvantage is that they don’t match the natural white teeth in appearance.

Also known as composite fillings, white fillings are made from tooth-coloured material that restore the appearance of a previously filled tooth, giving your teeth a more natural look.

A completely safe procedure, this can be used for new fillings or to replace any old metal fillings, giving your teeth a more natural overall appearance.

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